Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Reflective Essay #2

Dostoevsky's San Francisco by myownself

1. General composition: it is an image of the city as seen through a window.

2. Foreground, mid-ground, background relationships: The window and newspaper make up the foreground, the closer buildings make up the mid-ground, and the background is the distant buildings.

3. Scale contrast: Good scale contrast because of the small details on the large buildings.

4. Use of value contrast (differences between light and dark): There is good contrast in the image because of the extremely dark frame created by the window and the lighter shades in the buildings and sky.

5. Color (intensity, palette, warm/cool colors): The image is black and white for the most part.

6. Placement of details: I love the placement of detail that you can read the newspaper and see the window details in the lighter building.

7. Do the images make use of a repoussoir (framing) device?: Yes, yes it does. I chose to use this image for the natural framing that it has of the window.

Guangxi by Foureyes

1.) This image shows what looks like a little village on a lake in the shadows of some mountains.

2.) In the foreground there are what I think are boats that take up the bottom third, then in the mid-ground there are the boats that gradually get farther away (that shows good scale contrast because they are the same boats as the close up ones) and in the background there are the mountains which are showing atmospheric perspective.

3.) As I mentioned, there is good scale contrast in the range of size of the boats.

4.) I like the dark objects set in a fairly light background, it gives it good contrast.

5.) Nice warm colors.

6.) I like the details of the boat windows in the mid-ground, it pulls your eye to the center of the composition.

7.) Not really, unless you consider the boats in the foreground.

Ansel Adams

1.) The general composition is of some rocks and some mountains set against a bright sky.

2.) In the foreground we have the close up rocks, in the mid-ground we have far off rocks, and in the background we have the mountains and the sky.

3.) There is great scale contrast because you can get the since of depth as you see the rocks get smaller as things gradually get farther away.

4.) There is some good value contrast in the dark rocks and bright white clouds, but there are alot of midtones that overpower.

5.) It is black and white.

6.) The details are only really visible in the foreground.

7.) No.

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